How To Avoid Electric Accidents
February 6, 2024

It is impossible to avoid electronic devices; hence, it is essential to guard against electric shocks and fire hazards.

Here is a list of what and what not to do if you’re dealing with electrical devices:

Treat all gadgets with caution even if they are not plugged

We don’t give as much respect as we ought to when it comes to electrical appliances. Whether items are plugged or not, they must be handled properly, without exposure to sunlight or liquids.

Unplug all electronics before leaving the house or when repairing them

Bad light can lead to sparks and, consequently, fire hazards. Even without the sparks, it can spoil your gadgets. Hence, you should always unplug all devices from the socket or return the power source to a neutral position.

Electronics should be kept in a cool and dry place

Shocks are often a result of contact with liquids. Although not all are fatal, ensure you keep your devices in a dry place and under cool temperatures.

If any liquid touches any device, switch off from the powerhouse before cleaning such a machine. Some liquid substance mistakenly spills on your gadget; it is better to switch off the current from the primary source and not the plug.

Install a circuit breaker in your home to avoid high power currents destroying your devices

Circuit breakers are protective devices installed to protect the electric circuit from spoilage due to low or high currents. It disrupts the flow of currents to prevent an electric surge and fire outbreak.

Avoid touching any active circuit

Active circuits can lead to shocks. When this happens, restrain from touching the electrocuted person with your bare hands or metal object; to prevent the electric current from passing to you.

Keep your devices away from liquids

Refrain from eating or drinking near your gadgets or sockets. Apart from destroying these items, it can make you prone to electric shocks. On this premise, restrain from touching any device when your body is wet (or any part of your body, for that matter).

Remove any metal accessories on your body before working on an electronic device

This is because metals are good conductors of electricity. It can easily pass currents into your veins and result in shocks.

Remove the plug carefully and not by dragging the cord

Don’t run any cables or wires under the furniture or rugs. Please keep them in an open space, but with no kids or pets within reach.

Do not manage any faulty device

Allow an electrician to check out any faulty device. Do not attempt to fix the problem. Likewise, replacing old wires or cords is essential before they are worn out. They are not everlasting.

Do not use a damaged or overloaded extension

Extension sockets have various capacities; hence, the power your extension carries must be proportionate to its capacity. Also, a poor-sized extension cord may cause a device to burn or cause overheating – a more harmful situation.

In conclusion, in case of an accident, call for help immediately.